Pictures generate associations. Combined with sound and light this creates a "space" that can be experienced with all senses. This is possible by using cross-linked media that is subtly coordinated and complements each other. They serve as informative as well as emotional information carriers and communicate contents of particular depth and breadth. This combined technology is an essential part of events such as product presentations, promotion events, T.V. productions, General Meetings,
congresses, and press conferences. Computer controlled sequences allow precise signal inserts as well
as optimal control of the integrated technology. Innovative picture systems transmit your visions, ideas,
and information in brilliant picture quality. That is how we guarantee precisely planned events that are experienced in best visual and acoustic quality from every position of the event location.
We offer innovative IT technology from the information terminal, workstation, laptop to the cross-linked
back office. This means that during events you have direct access to your intranet to insert latest information or, with live transmittals via streaming, comprehensively present yourself and pass on information your customers. Our experienced technicians take-over the provision, crosslinking and con trolling of these systems, which are perfectly coordinated to each room situation.